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Computing characteristic curves

The most important feature of RETMAP is the ability to compute adsorption characteristic curves based on the adsorption properties provided.

COMPUTE_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE (default: no, type: String)

Specify if characteristic curves should be computed for all input files provided. For the computing process, saturation pressure models and density models should be specified using the keywords ADSORBATE_SATURATION_PRESSURE and ADSORBATE_DENSITY.

Options: yes, no

SAVE_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE_DATA (default: no, type: String)

Specify if the resulting characteristic curves should be written to files.

Options: yes, no

PLOT_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE (default: yes, type: String)

Specify if the resulting characteristic curves should be plotted.

Options: yes, no

SAVE_CHARACTERISTIC_CURVE_PLOT (default: no, type: String)

Specify if the characteristic cruve plot should be saved inside the Plots directory.

Options: yes, no